God has given us the vision to be a church of generous people who honor Jesus, love each other, and serve our neighbors... and we are saying YES! This vision is all about connection: to God, each other, and our neighbors. We're called to move together as a church toward that mission and vision and away from disconnect and isolation. It's vital for us - both individually and collectively - to become who God calls us to be.
Because community is essential, we are investing in becoming a culture of connecting at Christ Community Church, and one of the ways we are doing this is by adding on to our building - making a place for these valuable connections to happen!

Being a generous church
We have a great opportunity to be generous with our lives and our money. We are asking everybody who is part of CCC to make a substantial one-time gift in our upcoming special offering and to increase your regular giving to our church.
We are adding a large, bright, high-ceilinged foyer across the front of our building and a second story office suite in the northeast corner of the addition. This 16,500 foot project is a renovation of everything north of the sanctuary and bathrooms and adds 9,350 square feet of connecting space to the front of our building.
Our vision is to be a church of generous people who honor Jesus, love each other, and serve our neighbors. Our building needs to encourage and facilitate us becoming who God is calling us to be. We have a great facility for honoring Jesus through corporate worship, but lack the connecting space to grow in loving each other and serving our neighbors. The “grown-up” side of our building is designed to get people in and out of the sanctuary, but God has called us to more. We need a place to connect with new people, each other, and the mission and vision that God has given CCC. The proposed addition will give us the space we need for these important connections to take place.
We will use this space to grow in our vision points of “loving each other” and “serving our neighbors.” God is bringing so many new people to our church and we will have great space to help them connect through structured opportunities and organic conversations. The Café will be moved to the new space, which will make room for more personal connections to happen. We’ll also have places to learn about and connect to service opportunities in our church and with our local and global ministry partners.
This idea came from our Pastoral Leadership Team through our Elder Board and is now being shared with our church family. Our community and world have changed dramatically since 2020. CCC is still on the disciple-making mission that Jesus gave us, and we are really excited about introducing people to Jesus and following Him together. This building is our main tool for accomplishing our mission. Since our needs and the needs of the people we are called to reach have changed, our building needs to change, too.
First of all, pray! Pray for our church to be effective in the mission that Jesus gave us.
Next, give sacrificially. This project will increase our annual budget by $230,000. We will continue being generous with our global and local missions partners, taking good care of our staff team, and providing excellent ministry opportunities on the weekend and during the week. We are not looking to cut our expenses to build this addition. We are looking to grow our budget through the sacrificial generosity of our church family.
Then, connect! As we add connecting space, we also need to grow our connecting culture. Be on the look-out for people you don’t know and help them connect with you and your circle of friends.
Ways to Give
Give a one time gift or set up recurring giving.
Give a one time gift or set up recurring giving.
Cash or Check
Make checks payable to:
Christ Community Church
4400 55th St. NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Text to Give
Text “cccrochester” to 77977.
