Here are a few options to lean into this holiday season:
Our Daily Bread - God is With Us - Many people know the Christmas story, but, we don’t often stop to think about the immense sacrifice Christ mad on our behalf. We fail to consider where He came from, what He endued, and what He offers for us. This ten-day devotional booklet will examine different aspects of the life of the one who stepped into our world – the God who is with us.
The Book of Luke Christmas Challenge - In the Bible, the book of Luke has 24 chapters in it. If you read a chapter a day for the next 24 days, and on Christmas morning, you’ll know the story of Jesus Christ. If you feel like you’re behind already, no worries, simply jump in and catch up!
CMA Advent Devotional - Each devotional includes Scripture passages to ponder, thoughtful content, and prompts for prayer and discussion.
Let us know which one you decide to do below!